Friday, October 17, 2008

Will Nile dry up..............What can we do to stop it?

Most of the water resources goes towards farming. Already the Colorado River in the US and the Yellow River in China no longer make it to the sea. (this is what they mean when they say the Nile will run dry... we divert more and more water, taking it away from ecosystems downstream.)

Conservation helps, but better farming irrigation techniques and eating less meat is crucial as the world population continues to grow exponentially. 70% of all fresh water goes to farming and the majority of the produce goes to feed livestock! The UN recently did a report on water resources and they estimated that for every 1 lb of beef it takes 7 lbs. of feed grain, which takes 7,000 lbs. of water to grow. The water that goes to make the corn could used to feed more people with 7 lbs of vegetables and beans than 1 lb of steak. This is not to say that we all must become vegans, but if we all ate one less meal with meat a week it would make a tremendous difference! "Pass up one hamburger, and you'll save as much water as you save by taking 40 showers with a low-flow nozzle."

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